Monday, December 19, 2011

His Gift....

Okay girls...I have something precious to least it's precious to me...and by sharing with you it will be my way of saying ....THANK YOU SWEETIE...
I told you all last week or maybe the week before...(time slips away these days) that my sweet man picked out a Christmas Tree for us that we went and picked up after he got home from work...
He has been working like a trooper up in our "Cabin in the Attic" every evening unpacking our ornaments for the tree...with a promise that he would decorate it if I would sit in my prayer chair and keep him company...which I gladly did this weekend...on Saturday night he showed me a box of Tinsel he found at an Antique store last weekend ...I was surprised since one of my recent posts was about tinsel....(Tinsel Anyone)...below is one of the 3 packages he found ...he said we can put the tinsel on the tree if you'd like to....this touched my heart so much...for a few reasons...first it blew me away that he had taken the time to ...READ LOBLOLLY.....then it tickled me that he thought about my post on tinsel when he was out and about....third it made my heart squeeze to have him put so much time ...and forethought into creating Christmas for us this year...
Having been married to me for 16 years now he knows how special this time of year is to much joy and love I experience decorating for him and the rest of our family...he didn't need to be asked....or cajoled ...or even hinted at to help me more then usual this just decided to give me on of my gifts early.....this beautiful old fashioned tree....especially for me....because he loves special is that....
Here she is all Christmas Tree....I just love looking at it....because the man I love....showed me in his own way day by much he loves me too.......bless you sweetie....from here to heaven and back....I love it....and you too....I hope you girls have a great Monday evening....blessings and big hugs till next time...Karena


  1. Oh what a beautiful tree and a wonderful honey to do that for you:) Hugs and blessings!

  2. Karena- What a beautiful, beautiful tree! It is absolutely perfect and even more so because HE helped make it that way. It is so wonderful that he thinks of you and is so willing to do the extras! xo Diana

  3. He is a gem and you are his beautiful diamond.....

    Merry Christmas Karena,



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