Saturday, June 18, 2011

Your Invited....

Good Morning Ladies....What's up.......happy Saturday to you ...I was thinking when I woke up this morning how fun it would be to have a "Coffee Party"....not a tea party even though tea is good ......NOTHING ...tastes as good as to me as a really good cup of you agree ?......I wish I could meet so many of you blogging your hearts and homes ....I've come to feel like your friends ....even if we've never met that's okay... right ....we could still meet around the table for some coffee....I wish I could share a picture of my all time favorite coffee unfortunately it is copyright protected......BUT...I can tell you about it is SEATTLE'S BEST COFFEE.. it is actually one of Seattle's first great coffee's. Used to be you couldn't get it anywhere but specialty coffee can go to any Wal Mart or grocery store and buy it. YUM...the packaging is in colorful bags of orange, blue, purple, burgundy and gold....On the front of each color is a number these #'s describe the fullness of coffee flavor....1 being light- 5 being a bold ...full ...robust..brew. So if you are a coffee lover like I am I hope you'll check it out the next time your out grocery shopping. Our youngest is coming  for a visit today....we have some work to do before she gets here....I pray you all have a splendid Saturday..........more tomorrow......blessings Karena

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