Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend....

It's a pleasant temperature this morning I went out in the garden as I do every morning since spring arrived to check the flowers...fill the bird feeders...water.. and BREATH...this is a tree that presented itself in front of my "Garden Angel" she is made out of an old shutter...some banister castoffs as arms with a fence topper for her head...I love her I thought it was brilliant the tree decided to grow right in front of her....

We have a long stretch of ground beside our driveway...this year my sweetie and I have been working together to "pluck" it up...we've planted flowers...moved some from the back yard to the front working at this space like a big puzzle...

On the left side by the back porch my daughter brought a berry bush over last spring for me to babysit while she and her sweetie were in Hawaii....after she got home the plant was doing so well where I placed it she said "Momma will you keep it here for's so happy there" so it has been sitting in this spot through summer fall and  winter with a kiss of spring and sunshine the berries are plumping up with a deep reddish black color to them...when they're ready she will come over ...together we will pick them so she can bring them home...(if we don't eat them all as we're picking)...

Here is a shot of the garden looking down the drive towards the garage...we added the piece of lattice last weekend we planted  a Hibiscus bush in front...the flowers are so beautiful

This is the rest of it looking toward the front of our property...the bird bath in the middle is full all day long of bird friends taking a moment to wash up...or just get a fresh drink of cool water

We have a tiny little wren that's living in this bird house...she's a light brown with tan wings tiny feet to perch with she's ...perfectly suited to this "space" she's a hard worker too ..taking time to clean her nest almost daily...I've yet to capture a picture of her ....not for a lack of trying...I've sat quiet as a mouse more then a few times to get her picture ..I'll keep trying

The time I've spent in the garden this spring has been a wonderful's been a sanctuary of healing for me physically and spiritually...hours of turning soil planting seeds finding little treasures the birds have left me...I step back ...look at the space I'm working in and ...IMAGINE....

I hope you girls have a spectacular weekend...enjoy your Memorial Day too...thank you so much for stopping by till next time blessings and big hugs....Karena


  1. I love what you have done with the garden! GORGEOUS! I enjoy my early morning walks too:) Enjoy your weekend dear Karena, HUGS!

  2. Your garden is beautiful. I wish I could be walking in the early morning. No one really walks in this area because we are on a busy road with not much of a shoulder. I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day- xo Diana


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