Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Surprising Sumer Weather......

Good morning girls...WHEW....it's taken me forever this morning to figure out how to get these photos uploaded from my phone to my iPad for this post BUT here they are...this weekend we went to the antique show in our neck of the woods ....
But before I talk to about that I have to say we woke up this morning to COOL weather...it's in the low 70's so far and boy is it a blessing....truly The Lord himself has been smiling on us ALL summer...lots of rain storms late in the afternoon just when dinner is gearing up ...the sound of summer rain falling thunder rolling and let's not forget the lightening too...PURE BLISS...that's what....
Sooo back to the antique show...I know these photos are huge...forgive me but I am not too patient with editing them ...my favorite thing about this show was an aisle they had specially labeled "Vintage Alley" it was down this special part of the show I found my bit of heaven...
This truck was a 1930 produce truck that was lined up with 10 or so antique cars from that same decade...however this one stopped me COLD...the little girl in me was hooked by all the props...
See inside...this chicken wanted to come home with me in the worst way...
She has a pluckie little face don't you think...
There wasn't as much vintage there as I would have liked but my sweetie and I enjoyed meeting the vendors and showing one another the things that caught our eye...one of the things they did have that surprised us was an antiques roadshow sort of section for folks to have their treasures valued by some local experts that was fun to watch... The line was getting longer and fuller as the day wore on...

Well girls that's our weekend festivities...we had a swell Saturday I thank you for popping in to visit...I am so thankful for you I pray blessings on each of you today along with a BIG hug....till next time...Karena

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