Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finding My Niche.....

Good Morning girls....I was looking through my Picasa albums to choose  pic's for this post....when I suddenly felt the urge to write about something I'm experiencing ...I have been in a state of...."EXPECTATION"....for a long time now....years really...I had a heart attack back in 06'....I am fine now but the experience changed ways that are presenting themselves to this day...I AM ON A JOURNEY TO FIND MY NICHE....the place in this world that I have been created to's the tricky part...I can't seem to grab a hold of what that like the picture of this empty niche....the QUESTION begging to be answered is what to fill it with....
There are day's still on this "Journey" I feel as closed up as this tiny bud...pushing forth every ounce of energy I have to burst open....turn my face to the sun ....and live ....
I planted this beautiful Mum after fall had ended last year...the day I planted it there was snow on the ground...I noticed this one forgotten little Mum plant sitting in the elements...left to fend for itself ....with snow on the ground...I remember picking it up ...I apologized as I turned it around in my hand to see if there was any life in it ...could I plant it...would it grow...I dug a hole..turned that sick little plant over to pop it out of the container...and I PLANTED IT.......that little 4 inch pot was tiny...the plant itself was no taller than 3 was not at all a 'PLUCKY LITTLE MUM'...but I planted it anyway with lots of love...fertilizer...and water...with a little pat on it's petals to try and survive....that tiny ...sick...forgotten little Mum is what you see above...she has grown into the ....tallest ...fullest...heavily flowered Mum I've EVER had...let me tell you I am thrilled every time I water her...walk past her...or see the birds landing on her strong stems...the Lord gave me this reminder right outside my gate that every time I pass by I smile at her hearty presence in my life.....
I keep telling myself even through the hardest days....when I feel like Humpty Dumpty...and no one can put me together again that the Lord of my life can...and will......if I keep smiling...believing ....praising him for all he's doing in my life...
If I keep looking UP....the niche I long to find for myself will come....I won't have to wait...or look...or groan over my empty heart any more...just like the promise of snow in winter....the purpose I am destined to live for his glory will fall.......that niche wont be empty anymore...when I know his plan....what an amazing day that will be....
Thanks for stopping by ladies...big hugs and blessings from me to you....Karena

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