Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday's ...Slow...Sunny...& Full of Spring Suprises

Happy Sunday Morning are you all...It is sunny here this more rain...the birds are singing outside as if to say "hey wake's Sunday"....I love the quiet ...slow...pace of Sunday's....a day perfectly suited for family...nice weather...and a good dose of the outdoors
As I was out in the garden yesterday walking my laps ...I was surprised with lots of spring....things are blooming and bursting all around the yard...petunias from some hanging baskets last year spilled out and presented themselves in the center of a brick below....the giant fern we got from Wal-Mart last season is coming back with a will be planted this year in a perfect spot since I know it will come back every year....
I have dreams of being strong enough to go to Lowe's stroll through the garden section and pick out some geraniums..2 leafy vines to plant in the back yard for height...and an asparagus fern ...I have some seeds too that I'd like to get in the ground today if I can ask my sweetie for help...So how are you girls spending your time today...I hope it's filled with lots of love...till next time blessings and big hugs...Karena


  1. It is beautiful here this morning:). I am wanting to plant flowers too! Enjoy your day dear Karena!!! Big HUGS!!!

  2. I hope you are strong enough to get to Lowes soon,Karena. God bless you-I hope you have a wonderful Sunday- xo Diana

  3. The plants and flowers are gorgeous. Things are just starting to bloom here too. Always such a beautiful sight. Hope you have a perfect day. Hugs, marty

  4. I love the flowers too. When my stores start getting their flowers I could day dream and be inspired for my garden. When the weather warms up a little more I will be looking for some pink geraniums and some pink and purple petunias. Enjoy your garden and have a beautiful day.



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