Friday, August 12, 2011

Shoo Fly.....Shoo...

They gathered at the "Sitting Room Window"....if you look closely you can see one...yuck
Most of them congregated in the Kitchen Window....not where we want flies EVER....I am clueless to WHY they've suddenly sweet husband was up very early this morning ....Zapping his fair share ....I was so appreciative...cause truthfully girls. ....I REALLY DON'T LIKE KILLING ANYTHING...not even flies....I'm committed to stay on top of this intrusion today too if needed...I hope your day is much nicer with FUN things to think about....
As for me I will be here ....ZAPPER in hand trying to get a handle on this...while at the same time asking my Heavenly Father for some divine intervention.....he created fly's ....surely he can encourage them to ....STAY OUTSIDE......hugs to you all today thank you for stopping by....Karena

1 comment:

  1. Yuck, FLIES are pests:) Hope they buzz on, my friend! Have a blessed day, HUGS!


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