Friday, August 26, 2011

Here She Comes.....

Hi there girls....well here she is....Irene in all her glory...we're all a little nervous about this hurricane once she hits it could turn into "the storm of the century" as the Weather folks keep saying's not comforting to hear words like  "The Perfect Storm"...I woke up this morning to see the track had shifted a smidgen over night to our chagrin....we are going to get hit hard with this no more wondering we just have start preparing...part of that for me is to make this post to share with you I might be MIA for some time....if we loose electricity I won't have anyway to blog until we get back to normal ...I will be thinking of you ..if any of you are in North Carolina I am praying for you ALL as well....thanks so much for popping in ladies...blessings and hugs......Karena                 


Lord it's me Karena.....Please be with us Father for the next 24 - 48 hours I put our little "Cottage" in your hands with all of us inside....Please keep us all safe....give us your grace and please protect my family Lord...the faces that belong to me Jesus is stressful to be away from them during a storm...Thank you in advance for your provision and care....Amen

1 comment:

  1. praying for you Karen!!! let us know how you are. love you


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